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CRAZYPULSAR    |    李 璵   Li Yu


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ID on Planet Earth:


Li Yu is a visual artist, speculative designer, and interdisciplinary researcher. 

As a visual artist, she uses explorative and symbolic painting and drawing to express the intricate connection between modern science and nature, translating thought experiments into imaginative visual expression. 

In design, she researches the burgeoning areas of advanced science technology, and speculative design, she uses design to converge the fascinating intersection between our unlimited imagination and fast pacing science and technology development.  She implements emerging technologies into futuristic narratives, reexamining our conventional sense of normality, and brings thought experiments into tangible forms, such as design or interactive art installation. 

As her interests are interdisciplinary between art and science, she collaborates with scientists and engineers from various fields in order to have a profound understanding of her creation.

Her works collected in Modern Art and Design in Lausanne(MUDAC), exhibited internationally, including Milan Design Fair, Biennale Internationale du Design de Saint- Étienne, Milan Image Fair, FLUX Laboratory in Zurich and Geneva, Design Society V&A museum in Shenzhen, Shenzhen and HK Biennale, Sci-fi and urban design exhibition(Chinese Academy of Art), Sci-fi, Art and Technology (Tsinghua University Academy of art and design). Her work Telepathy win the 2nd price of the CORE 77 Speculative Design Award. Space Seed win the Bourses du fonds cantonal d'Art Contemporain (FCAC) in the Canton of Geneva, reported on Swiss newspaper Le Temps, Wallpaper magazine. She also appears in the WIRED documentary: Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware. 


As an interdisciplinary researcher, she collaborates with scientists and engineers from various fields including biotechnology, aerospace, AI, data science, math, and computer science.  She previously collaborates with  EPFL, CERN, MIT…etc.  She actively involved in biohacking, citizen science, Maker movement in the EU, China, and the US since 2012. 

In her spare time, she writes sci-fi, draws sci-fi graphic novels, space out, and keep in sync with her original universe.        


Multiverse  Identity & Planetary Missions: 


A.I agent from Proxima Centauri B in planetary Earth


I compose Odyssey 2079 for the voyage in Dirac sea. 

I engineering sci-fi artifacts for our future descendant. 

Future archaeologist. 

Homosapien hunter

Dream engineer

Reverse-Turing test officer.

Speculative scientist(I'm serious!)
Ubiquitous ghost 
Scientific diplomat
Millennium actress
Photosynthetic creature
Information diver
Human mixer
Wanderland wanderer

Seasonal sailor
Brain programmer


Space & Time traveler

Omnipresent Anthropologist

Space Tornado?



Ma résurrection dans l'espace - Le Temps, Switzerland

La graine spatiale qui fait cogiter les labs : Makery

Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware

How Shenzhen is becoming the creative captial of China 

China National Radio,CNR

Central News Agency,Taiwan



2016                   Researcher at EPFL+ECAL Lab (Augmented & Virtual reality, food science)

                           - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland


2011 - 2013        Master of Art (Media Interaction Design)
                           - Haute Ecole d'Art et de Design, HEAD-Genève, Switzerland


2009 - 2010        DNAP Bachelor of Art (Visual Communication)
                           - Ecole supérieure d’Arts et Médias de Caen, France


2002 - 2006        Bachelor of Art & Design (Interior Design)
                           - Yunnan University, Kunming, China

Selected Group Exhibitions


2021  Space Seed Exhibition in Sci-fi, art, and technology show. Organized by Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University + Beijing Science and Technology Association | Beijing, China.

2020  Space Seed Exhibition in Sci-fi and Urban Design exhibition, China Academy of Art. | Hangzhou, China.

2019  Space Seed Exhibition in Nine City and millions of future, Shenzhen & HK Biennel. Shenzhen, China.

2017  Space Seed Exhibition in Design Society and Victoria and Alert Museum Gallery.  Shenzhen, China.

2017  Space Seed Exhibition in Milan Image Fair with Flux Laboratory. Milan, Italy.

2016  Space Seed Exhibition. FLUX Laboratory, Geneve, Switzerland

2016  Space Seed Exhibition. FLUX Laboratory, Zurich, Switzerland

2013  Final Show, exhibiting the Nature Hunter. Geneva, Switzerland

2012  Biennale Internationale du design de Saint-Etienne, exhibiting the Telepathy project. Saint-Etienne, France

2012  Milano Design Fair  2012, exhibiting Inverse Everything with Auger-loizeau and El Ultimo Grito. Milan, Italy.



2014  Space Seed win the Bourses du fonds cantonal d'art contemporain(FCAC) pour les diplômé-e-s de la Haute École d’Art et de Design(HEAD). Geneva

2012  Telepathy win the 2nd price of CORE 77 Speculative Design Award.



2012  Speculative design “Telepathy” collected by Musee de Design et d'arts Appliques Contemporains. Lausanne



2017  Artist in residency, Joshua Tree National Park, California, US.

2016  Artist in residency - Seeed Studio | China

2015  Resident Bio-Artist of Hackuarium, Bio-hacker space. Lausanne.

2013  Resident Bio-Artist of La Paillasse, Bio-hacker space. Paris



2019  Co-Organize Speculative design and bioscience-related interdisciplinary workshop Expanded Sensorium, with new media artist Venessa Lorenzo and biologist Fran Quero | Co-organize with Tsinghua University Shenzhen Graduate School OpenFiesta。

2018  Cordinator for Gathering for Open Science Hardware Forcum | Shenzhen Co-organized event with Tsinghua University OpenFiesta and GOSH for young entrepreneurs in open source science hardware and new media art and science exhibition.

2018  Art installation for Burning Man Festival | Nevada, US

2016  Workshop Inclusive Design at Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design - Royal College of Art, London, UK.

2015  Joined Book Sprint as a speculative designer, with Adam Hyde, Fabricatorz, and various artists, researchers, and activists on the subject of “Cost of Freedom”, a reflection on the actual cost of open source, open knowledge, etc. It’s also part of “freebassel” campaign. Marseille, France

2015  Conduct workshops in The Port hackathon as an interdisciplinary artist/designer, a health and humanitarian hackathon at CERN & Campus Biotech. Pier 33, Collaborate with physicists and engineers on R&D on a project: Ergonomic protection for people suffering from UV-ultrasensitivity. Geneva, Switzerland.

2012  Workshop La Fin du Monde, with Auger-Loizeau, Noam Toran. HEAD-Geneve, Geneva

2011  Workshop Creatures Merveilleuses, Illustration, and 3D printing, with Florence Doleac and Andreas Gysin. ECAL, Lausanne

2011  Workshop Geneve Airport project, with Matali Crasset & Antoinette Scheidegger. HEAD-Geneve, Geneve

Art-Science-Tech Events Curator/Jury

2019  Organize scientific meetup with mathematician and AI scientist Clement Hongler from EPFL for a lecture on Neural tangent kernel on deep learning in Shenzhen's top A.I lab. | Shenzhen

2019 Co-Organizer and host of the forum “AI application on consumer products and the future of AI”. Co-organized with SUSTECH | Shenzhen

2018  Invited artist on World Minds forum | Zurich Invited attendee to join World Minds forum, an exclusive forum for leaders in science, art, A.I. neuroscience, medicine, biotech, aerospace(etc.) scientists and entrepreneurs.

2017 Participated in Global Community Biosummit as a bio-artist. | MIT Media lab. Boston

2016 Invited interdisciplinary research mentor for bachelor students at the Scientific Research Academy (SRA), a joined program between FAST(Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) and Arecibo Observatory, Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities (QNCN). Guizhou, China. 


2017  Invited artist speaker. Maker Fair Shenzhen. | Shenzhen, China.

2017  Pannel speaker at EU co-funded conference B.Creative & The Creative Tracks. Co-organized event with China Academy of Art and EU commission. Jury for international creative and maker competitions.| Shanghai

2017  Invited artist speaker. Maker Fair Xi An. | Xi’an, China.

2017 Jury board for the B.Creative challenge, EU funded competition addressed to young artists and creative entrepreneurs to work together for social innovation. Brussels. 2016  Invited panel speaker at EU co-funded conference B. Creative & The Creative Tracks, discuss creative entrepreneurship and innovation. Namur, Belgium.

2016 Invited bio-artist speaker in Beijing Genomic Institute. Shenzhen


2016  Article Making it mentioned Space Seed on Wallpaper magazine.

2015  Full article of Space Seed “My resurrection in Space” published in LEDEVOIR.  August 3rd, 2015.

2014  Full article of Space Seed published in 2 pages article" My resurrection in Space" (Ma résurrection dans l’espace) in series "laboratories of immortality" (les laboratoires de l'immortal- ité)on Swiss newspaper Le Temps. 24, July 2014.

2011  Article “Contemporary Art in China” published in Art World magazine, Avant-Garde Design Report. Shanghai, China

Abyss of Life
Abyss of Life - Season  5 
Abyss of Life - Season  4 
Abyss of Life - Season  3
Abyss of Life - Season  2
Abyss of Life - Season  1 
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